So it's been a little more than three weeks since I've turned in my office keys (though my laser lab sneakers are still in the basement; I'd like to get those back...). I thought it was about time for an update.
I'm learning a lot. I haven't learned it well enough to expound upon it, but I know that God is showing me a lot through this experience. I keep finding places where my pride lurks, discovering how stubborn I am.
I'm intending on leaving Lansing to move back to Holland, where my vision for Hope students drives me to pray the biggest prayers I have ever prayed. I don't have a job yet, I might have an apartment. But the craziest thing is that I'm back on Urbana's website, considering filling out my resume. I would not even been thinking about this if I were still in school. I'm stepping out of this realm of science and absolute facts, I'm leaving my cozy little lab, with my chemicals and my books, for a world of possibility that I am entirely sure that I will not be able to wrap my mind around. I feel like Moses, like Solomon.
Take a breath and hold on tight/Spin around one more time/And gracefully fall back in the arms of grace -Lifehouse