I think this article is amazing on so many levels:
"The friendzone is treated as a wasteland not just because we treat sex as an idol, but because friendship and non-sexual affection is written off as irrelevant. Casual dating has been replaced by casual sex; platonic touch has been eclipsed by erotic signalling."
"[I]t’s worth asking if there is something we can do to make non-sexual affection more common generally. At the personal level, that might just mean offering friends hugs more often, and at a societal level, telling and repeating better stories about friendship."
It says so much about our culture's obsession with romantic relationships at the expense of friendships, it says so much about our culture's homophobia, it says so much about caring for the lost and confused.
"The friendzone is treated as a wasteland not just because we treat sex as an idol, but because friendship and non-sexual affection is written off as irrelevant. Casual dating has been replaced by casual sex; platonic touch has been eclipsed by erotic signalling."
"[I]t’s worth asking if there is something we can do to make non-sexual affection more common generally. At the personal level, that might just mean offering friends hugs more often, and at a societal level, telling and repeating better stories about friendship."
It says so much about our culture's obsession with romantic relationships at the expense of friendships, it says so much about our culture's homophobia, it says so much about caring for the lost and confused.