Monday, March 28, 2016


The two days in the Easter holiday week that seem to speak to me the most are Holy Saturday and Easter Monday.

Holy Saturday is this time of tension...a reminder that there was an entire day (and change) while Jesus was entombed.  An invitation to enter into the pain and confusion that the disciples felt after the crucifixion of the one in whom they had placed their lives, hope, and love.  A reminder that these are real and valid feelings, particular resonant perhaps when we feel God has betrayed us or abandoned us.

I love Easter Monday.  A day with a name that reminds us that Easter was not a one-time deal.  He rose from the dead on Sunday...and is *still risen.*  That just because Sunday was this huge, big, bright celebration, and Monday comes and it's back to school or work...that doesn't mean the celebration doesn't end, it doesn't mean that what Jesus did didn't last.  His hope is *eternal.*