I've always been intrigued by Esther. Someone introduced me to her story on a missions trip in high school, and verse 4:14 has always kind of stuck to me.
I've been looking at her story again lately, and it struck me yesterday that before Esther went before the king, she fasted (which I'm assuming went hand in hand with prayer, as in other places in the OT) for three days. It is this fasting and praying that allowed her to go with confidence and say "If I perish, I perish." She had confidence that when she laid aside her plans and attended to God, he would instruct her path, and if she did so, then whatever happened was up to God.
I've realized that I have been trusting others' judgment of me to define me: either negatively or positively. Lately, I'm finding myself dismissing my calls to leadership because it doesn't look like other people's. To trust God's call instead of measuring it against others' is proving quite challenging. I know I want to do this (meaning discerning the intersection of leadership/ministry and work in my life) wisely and that requires listening to the wisdom of others. But I know there comes a point where listening to others is not listening to God. So I'm trying to pray for wisdom and mentors and patience (if you could help me do that, I would very, very much appreciate that).
She also didn't do anything rash. First, she approached the king for the first time after the three days of fasting. She didn't present her request then, but instead invited him to dinner. He came. She did not ask then, either, but instead invited him to dinner a second time. That was when she asked him to spare her people.
There are passions in my heart that God is igniting lately. They've always been there, but this is the first time that I've really ever thought anything of them. I think part of what helped me actually recognize God's call of leadership at IVLI was that for that whole month, we were learning what it meant to be a leader, and even though I doubted that I had anything to offer, nothing I was learning seemed "forbidden" to me; in fact, everything I was learning was everything that I had been pursuing since high school. It's almost like I finally had permission to pursue those things. So now the doors are open: IV staff, IFES staff, IHOP staff...the possibilities of what God could do with my life are there. No longer do I feel like the only thing I have to offer is my scientific ability (which I don't feel I have much of anyway). Science is cool, and I've always known this, but when I was pondering grad school, I didn't want to get a PhD and be forced to be a professor. I didn't necessarily want that but it was the only option I saw, and it made sense and it wasn't a bad choice, it could even have been a good one. So now that these things, these ministry opportunities exist as valid possibilities for me, I want to run after them! Oh, I want to run after them. But I know that I'm not ready for them. I have a lot to learn and a lot to sort out before God before I do those things because if I don't, bad things could happen. So I'm trying to press into God while in grad school. Ha. Yay, another limit. So, before I go and leave grad school, I have to consider it carefully, with prayer and fasting and wisdom.
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