Monday, August 18, 2014

Five Quick Takes

I haven't posted in a while not because I have not had things to write about, but have had, in fact, too much to write about.

And so, because I need a mental break, and to begin to get things processed, here are five quick blurbs.

A. I wish I had used a different textbook in my undergraduate organic chemistry class.  I have been borrowing a professor's organic book with which to review for the American Chemical Society's standardized organic chemistry test, which I am supposed to pass at a certain level for my graduate coursework.  I don't know if it is more accessible to me because I simply have learned more chemistry over the years, including advanced organic chemistry mechanisms and have taught introductory organic chemistry for 2+ years, or because of the way it is written.  I am inclined to believe the latter.  I have revisited my old organic textbook to check things, and I do understand more of it.  But I feel this textbook (Solomon and Fryhle's 7th ed., for the record) is written in a more intuitive fashion, where ideas are not arranged so much by category (which they are to some extent), but more by relevance.  It seems to me that the ideas are presented in an arrangement where one idea leads progressively into the other, such that the topic is expanded and advanced.

B. I feel like I'm entering a new season of growth in my faith, where faith is less about answers and knowledge and completeness, but more about truly living with Jesus...not just in the Events, but in the waiting, also. You live with people and you read books in silence together and you have breakfast together with eye crusties and evil eyes if you are too perky too early. You say things in anger and you make mistakes, and you talk it out. You stay up far too late in your pjs laughing and chatting. Living with Jesus has to be like that. That rhythm and flow of life together that doesn't depend on having showered and brushed your teeth and having lines rehearsed.

C. It is such a beautiful thing to see the outcome of so many years of uncertainty and struggle.  Jesus was birthing something new 4 years ago when his movement in my heart prompted me to leave the PhD program.  At the time, I had absolutely no clue where he was leading.  None.  But I continued to explore and follow, with many emotions and seasons, in finding jobs, and housing, and going to Russia, and trying my hand at student ministry as at least a part of my career.  And now, I'm here...entering my final year in a master's program, doing chemical education research, going to chem ed conferences, and loving as much of it as I can.  It all seems to fit.  In a beautiful, God-crafted way.  The conference at Grand Valley two weeks ago was such an affirmation of that.

D. New things.  New aspects of old relationships. New season of work and faith. :)

E. Lastly, this article in Time about 50 Shades of Grey is amazing.  It's hilariously written, but it's also a good read, because I also wanted to know what on earth was so amazing about this book, but not wanting to read it to find out, knowing the general premise of the story.  And so, here I find a hilariously written account of what seems to be the non-supernatural pornographic version of Twilight.  In case that is not enough for you to read it, here's a snippet:  "I think I might be the only man who read this book. I did it sneakily, hiding the cover, especially when I was on an airplane, which actually is a good place to read this book because you have access to a barf bag."  Your welcome. :)