Sunday, October 26, 2014

On the Challenge of Dying a Slow Death to Self

Dying on a cross is a slow death.  It is not a bullet to the temple.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Sin, the Pastor, and the Body

So many pastors in the news over the years being caught in sexual sin.

I'm not saying that pastors are anything other than human.  What I am saying is that there is so much that goes into sinful behavior on this kind of scale that something has to be wrong, not with the pastor, but with how the church relates to the pastor.

What are our hiring practices?  What do they entail?  What kind of support is the pastor getting?  I don't care if the pastor is married or single, a pastor needs pastoral care, too.  A pastor needs friends too.  Where are we, as a Body, failing our pastors in such a way that leads to this many instances of this scope of sin?