Saturday, December 08, 2018

First week of Advent

The first week of Advent is nearly over. This week of WAPIVCF 's five minutes of peace has been wonderful. It's *hard* to wait! But also, even after only a few days, I find myself yearning for those five minutes. 'When can I take them?' 'What am I going to do to make space for God?'

I missed yesterday's five minutes of peace. But according to the rules, that's okay! I'm grateful that's in the rules. I think I need that laid out for me, in writing.  I struggle a lot with perfectionism, and even if I know it's okay if my practice isn't perfect, I think it has been really freeing to have been given an open-ended practice to try... with community...and with a community to whom the same rule has been given.

Even if I didn't manage to set aside five whole intentional minutes, there were still single moments of True Peace, where my awareness shifted just a little, where I briefly peeked around the veil between worlds, it seemed.

Such a tiny practice, but I certainly feel like it's been an important one for me, given where my soul is currently. 

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